Dipeeo raises €1.8M to revolutionise the GDPR compliance process

Paris, 15 May 2024 – Dipeeo, the French reg tech company whose software enables businesses to streamline and automate their GDPR compliance process, has announced a €1.8m round of funding led by Hi Inov-Dentressangle, alongside BNP Développement and Soul Invest. This round comes as part of the strategic partnership between Hi Inov and Ankaa Ventures to support European start-ups in their seed phase. The funds raised are intended to strengthen the company’s expansion in the French and European markets.

Founded in 2021, Dipeeo is meeting companies’ need for GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance by taking care of their compliance for them. Adopted in 2018, the GDPR imposes a strict framework on every company that processes personal data. The main purpose is to strengthen the rights of individuals and harmonise the rules relating to their processing within the EU.

Unlike traditional consultancies, Dipeeo simplifies GDPR compliance by automating a large part of the process, to increase efficiency and productivity, and allow its teams of expert GDPR lawyers to focus on the more complex legal aspects.

Dipeeo guarantees and is responsible for its customers’ GDPR compliance by registering as a DPO (Data Protection Officer) with the supervisory authorities in all countries: with the CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) in France, the APD in Belgium, etc.

Thanks to its unique and intuitive SaaS platform, Dipeeo makes things easier for its customers by offering them easy access to all the legal documents they need, a detailed action plan, step-by-step monitoring, and a real-time view of the progress of their compliance. They also have direct access to a dedicated legal advisor as part of a comprehensive, personalised and effective support package.

Two years after its creation, in 2023, Dipeeo is the 2nd largest DPO in France, with sales of more than €1 million and nearly 350 customers in a wide range of sectors including banking, finance, technology, healthcare, marketing and human resources. This round of funding will enable the company to accelerate its growth and become the market leader in France, with a long-term presence in Europe.

Thanks to our SaaS platform, we automate 80% of non-value-added tasks so that we can focus on the essentials: personalised support from expert GDPR lawyers to ensure full compliance, tailored to our customers’ business sector. Self-funded since our inception, we’re proud of how far we’ve come since our launch in 2021. With this round of funding, we aim to become the market leader in France by 2025 and to accelerate our international expansion,said Raphaël Buchard, co-founder and CEO of Dipeeo.

Dipeeo is positioned in a fast-growing market, with the implementation of the GDPR in Europe, resulting in more than a million businesses having to comply with the regulations. Its innovative solution stands out not only for its automation, but above all for its ability to outsource the DPO (Data Protection Officer) function in complete legal security. It is perfectly suited to the needs of small and medium-sized businesses in the B2B sectors, which are still under-equipped. We are delighted to be supporting the Dipeeo team in its ambitious roadmap,” commented Valérie Gombart, Founder and CEO of Hi Inov.

About Dipeeo

Dipeeo combines a BtoB SaaS automation platform with the expertise of lawyers specialising in GDPR to fully manage its customers’ GDPR compliance. As a CNIL-registered DPO, Dipeeo guarantees and is responsible for the compliance of more than 350 customers. Founded in 2021 by Raphaël Buchard, ex-lawyer, CEO, François Lemarié, COO, Grégoire Richet, CTO, three complementary profiles, Dipeeo is revolutionising the GDPR compliance process by transforming this constraint into a real business asset for companies. By simplifying the process and offering unlimited personalised support, Dipeeo enables its customers to take full advantage of the GDPR to strengthen their business and their confidence.

For further information: www.dipeeo.com