Romain helps our start-ups and founders to become more efficient with their communication, especially in Public Relations.
Communication and public relations are crucial for acquiring visibility and building trust in the market. However, public relations are often considered a minor subject when you start a business but taking time to think with a third party about the 5Ws (Who, What, Why, When, Where) is never a waste of time. It helps to set up the rightful strategic communication plan and can provide media exposure that could accelerate your growth tremendously. Romain provides strategic advisory on these matters, intending to challenge positioning and messaging always to find an impactful way to present the start-up and its business.
Hi Inov’s sensitivity and advocacy for greater sobriety in the technology sector give it a singular positioning that paves the way for bringing sustainability into Venture Capital.
Romain holds a master’s degree in Political Science from Université Paris-1 Panthéon Sorbonne. He started his career in 2011 as a consultant in a strategic communication firm owned by TBWA. He joined Publicis Consultants in 2017, where he was a Partner in charge of strategic consulting for several firms and CEOs such as Lacoste, Thales, MEDEF (French Business’s association), Netflix, Linklaters, Carrefour or the fintech LUKO. He has a long experience in advising CEOs, founders or political leaders.
A good conversation starter with Romain
As a political communication expert, you can always discuss French and International politics with Romain. But, if you prefer the outdoors, a talk about bike-packing, travel and skiing is an easy option to make the conversation roll for long.
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